The Artist
As an Artist, my work centers around the
intersections and affirmation of my identity.
Artist Statement
My work and artistic expression are rooted in identity. In particular, unraveling and understanding the interwoven threads of my experiences as a Black gay man of size. My personhood, purpose, and existence are often questioned and, at times, threatened. As such, I create to better understand my sense of self and to answer a question that continues to elude me—where do I belong in this world?
I share the answers to my question through storytelling. My narratives are expressed through music, poetry, digital painting, illustration, design, and interactive digital elements. Through each project, I unravel the strings of who I am and braid these strands into a version of myself that guides me through the next phases of my life. I’ve been asked, “what is the intent of your work?” My answer is simple—my intent is to experience authenticity, self-actualization, and freedom through self-acceptance.
AIR, 2024
[Image Description: A black monoline illustration of a mountain range with three birds, spelling the word “Air”. The words “Stories of Freedom” are written below in all caps.]
Love Era, 2020
[Image Description: “Love Era” written in dark brown in front of a tan background. Four small dark brown and tan circles are below the text.]